How To Maximize Your Productivity While Working From Home?

How To Maximize Your Productivity While Working From Home?

There are days you are productive, and other days you are less. That is normal and can have several causes. However, a few habits can be fatal and cause your productivity to drop significantly while working from home. We'll discuss them along with some solutions.

Key Factors For Long-Term Productivity While Working From Home:

Working from home is more relevant today than ever, and the advantages are obvious:

     More flexibility in planning your day

     Less commuting to work

     More time to spend with your family

In the following, we provide some advice on how to boost productivity without working yourself to death:

Working From Home Requires Professionality And Dedication:

Woman working from home with her notebook

The more structured your everyday work is in the home office, the more productive you will be. Nobody looks over your shoulder and evaluates how efficiently you work - at least not in the way it would be the case in the office. That can make you more distracted and take longer to complete a task.

In addition, you are often not alone at home. If you share your home with your partner, your roommates, or your family, you will likely be interrupted again and again - which of course, can have a negative impact on your productivity in the home office. So if you also want to work in a concentrated manner in your home office, then you should tackle your habits.

Anyone who works from home without a clear structure will fail in the long run and will not be able to benefit from the advantages of working at home.

You Have To Set Priorities

When you're frequently distracted, you may be tempted to take a more relaxing approach to your day. You dedicate yourself to the easy tasks and take a break or two. After all, it's harder to focus when you're constantly distracted. However, it becomes problematic when you realize at the end of the day that you have neglected your important tasks. Therefore, it is essential to set your priorities and look for a quiet place for remote work.

If you find it challenging to set priorities, take a look HERE to learn how to use your time wisely.

Choosing The Correct Place For Working Remotely

A woman who works from home on a laptop while sitting in a comfortable position

At home, it's tempting to work in bed or curl up on the sofa. Choose the right place for your office at home, which offers sufficient privacy and good sitting posture.

Try to choose a room where you can close the door. It would be an advantage to signal to others that you don't want to be disturbed. This way, you can concentrate on your tasks and increase productivity while working from home.

Also, check out our ARTICLES on the best places to work. HERE you can find out what you can do about sitting posture, eye problems, and concentration troubles and which places are particularly suitable for working efficiently.

Take Breaks

A man taking a break from work to stretch his body

Working from home entices you not to take breaks and work up to the hilt. There are no colleagues to pick you up for lunch, and you find it better to order food by the end of your day. Fatigue is productivity's worst enemy. You need to take breaks to switch off and recharge your batteries. If you don't, you will get tired sooner, be less able to concentrate, and automatically be less productive.

That also means not using a break to answer some emails quickly. But, during this time, try to leave the room and do something else.

Say “No”

Say No board

In order to be able to work productively in working remotely, it is necessary to say "no" every now and then. Just because you work at home doesn't mean you have to do the laundry, clean, or go shopping on the side. Try to set specific working hours and not do anything on the side during them.

Activities that could distract you make it harder to get back to work afterward. By the way, saying "NO" is also crucial in your job. If new tasks are constantly being assigned that you can hardly cope with, then saying no at work is the solution.

If you don't complete some tasks, think about how to explain this in advance. That will make it easier for you to explain why you want to postpone them.

To learn more, this ARTICLE gives a great overview of working habits that are related to productivity.

Keep Yourself Mentally And Physically Healthy:

The girl multitasks by working and listening to music outside

We can spend more time with our families because we can work from home. However, it also separates us from the social work environment. Especially those who live alone run the risk of loneliness in their home office.

Exchange with like-minded people is important for your mental health. When working from home, there is a lack of mutual motivation. In addition, there is a lack of variety and movement. You sit in the same room all day and alone most of the time. The bike ride to work, which otherwise offered a good balance, is no longer necessary.

Therefore, it is not surprising to see a connection between increasing mental health problems and working from home. In addition, the number of employees who find their work unsatisfactory has increased. The good news: you can do something!

Here are a few tips to protect your mental and physical health when working from home:

Establish a healthy morning routine and evening routine.

Make regular telephone contact with colleagues.

Take enough breaks

Integrate sufficient exercise into everyday home life, such as stretching exercises and walks.

Visualize your own long-term goals in the morning.

Set daily goals and keep a success diary (focusing on actions rather than results)

Set deadlines and have someone check the work regularly.

Use music and short sports units as a short-term motivational boost.

Do something nice at the end of your day.


It is not easy to separate work and private life in the home office, especially if you don't live alone. The most important thing is creating a to-do list every morning or writing down which tasks are particularly important. If you manage to find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed much, then you will be able to maintain your productivity level in your home office. If you happen to be unproductive, don't be too hard on yourself: everyone has a bad day, and working from home can be quite demanding.

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